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Background Preventable injury kills more than 13 000 Canadians every year, or about 1.5 every hour. In addition to the devastating collateral damage to the person injured and their families the impact for all injury on Canada's economy is more than $19.8 billion each year.
Aims/Objectives/Purpose In January 2009, the leaders from four Canadian injury prevention organisations, Safe Communities Canada, Safe Kids Canada, SMARTRISK, and Think First Canada, began to discuss ways to collaborate to advance their collective mission.
Methods A multi-phase study was conducted to examine how the four organisations might jointly identify, integrate, and approve shared initiatives in knowledge management, stakeholder engagement, fund development, and marketing—to speak with one voice.
Results/Outcome The result of this research was a report, ‘One Voice—Safer Canada’. The key learning was that, at present, injury is a disease without an identity, largely because, unlike other major health causes, there is no single, dominant voice in Canada working to create it. Seven specific recommendations formed the core of this report. A transition steering committee composed of senior decision makers for the organisations crafted a plan to successfully integrate their operations into one entity.
Significance/Contribution to the Field As of 1 July 2012 the organisations officially merged as Parachute, with the goal of becoming leaders in the field, educating, inspiring and mobilising Canadians to prevent injuries. The merger presents a unique opportunity to enrich programming, strengthen research, and increase strategic influence to be an impactful and resourceful organisation for all Canadians.