Table of contents

October 2012 - Volume 18 - Suppl 1

Safety 2012 World Conference 1-4 October 2012 Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington

Injury Prevention: 18 (Suppl 1)


Keynote - Monday 1 Oct

Keynote - Tuesday 2 Oct

Tuesday 2nd October 1100–1230 Concurrent A: Transportation, Legislation and Policy

Concurrent B: Child Safety

Concurrent C: Surveillance in Low Middle Income Counties

Concurrent D: Product Safety

Concurrent E: Safe Communities

Concurrent F: Collaboration, Translation and Implementation

Concurrent G: Safe at Work

State of the Art - Tuesday 2 Oct

Tuesday 2nd October 1435–1555 Concurrent A: Transport across the Lifespan

Concurrent C: Treatment, Rehabilitation and Disability

Concurrent E: Falls Prevention

Concurrent F: Surveillance and Mortality

Concurrent G: Surveillance Injury Innovation Around the World

Tuesday 2nd October 1600–1730 Concurrent A: Walking, Cycling and Biking

D2S5B: Concurrent B: Burns and Fire Safety

Concurrent C: Button Battery Ingestion-addressing an emerging hazard internationally

Concurrent D: Alcohol and Other Drugs

Concurrent E: Preventing Suicide and Self Harm

Concurrent F: Safe at Work

Concurrent G: Sport and Recreation

Keynote - Wednesday 3 Oct

Wednesday 3rd October 1100–1230 Concurrent A: Alcohol, Drugs and Transport

Concurrent B: Surveillance in Hospitals and Trauma Centres

Concurrent C: Safe Communities

Concurrent D: Family Violence

Concurrent E: Alcohol and Other Drugs

Concurrent F: Home Safety

Concurrent G: Agricultural Safety

State of the Art - Wednesday 3 Oct

Wednesday 3rd October 1435–1535 Concurrent A: Transport Surveillance

Concurrent D: Falls Prevention

Concurrent E: Workshop: Low Middle Income Countries Trauma Care Systems

Concurrent F: Surveillance in Australasia

Wednesday 3rd October 1600–1730 Concurrent A: Workshop: Child Safety Behavioural Approaches to Child Injury Prevention: Successes, Challenges and Future

Concurrent B: Community Violence

Concurrent C: Workshop: Family Violence

Concurrent D: Older Adult Falls

Concurrent F: Australasian Approaches and Perspectives on Workplace Safety Promotion and Regulation

Concurrent G: Water Safety

Keynote - Thursday 4 Oct

Thursday 4th October 1100–1230 Concurrent A: Workshop: Evaluating Road Safety Interventions

Concurrent B: Transport, Distraction and Fatigue

Concurrent C: Disaster Management

Concurrent D: Water Safety

Concurrent E: Treatment and Rehabilitation

Concurrent F: Surveillance, Methods and Evaluation; Road Safety

Concurrent G: Child Safety; Road Safety

State of the Art - Thursday 4 Oct

Home Safety

Treatment and Rehabilitation

Burns and Fire Prevention

Child Safety


Product safety

Sport and Recreation

Water safety

Button batteries

Poster session: Community Violence

Safe communities


Safe at work

Self Harm

Alcohol and Other Drugs

Cross Cutting

Family Violence

Transport Safety (Alcohol and Drugs)

Transport Safety (Motorcycle)

Transport Safety (Other)

Transport Surveillance and Methods

Transport Safety (Vulnerable Road Users)

Surveillance, Methods and Evaluation