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WHO resolves to prevent child injuries
In response to the WHO/UNICEF World report, in May the WHO adopted its first resolution on child injury prevention. The World report noted that injuries are the leading cause of child death, killing more than 830 000 each year. The resolution ‘urges member states to prioritise the prevention of child injuries; implement the recommendations of the World report on child injury prevention; and develop and put into practice a multisectoral policy and plan of action with realistic targets’. It calls upon the WHO Director-General to collaborate with member states in establishing science-based policies; to encourage research; build capacity; mobilise resources; and to continue providing technical support to countries that require it. The resolution also calls for the establishment of a network to ensure effective coordination and implementation of activities for child injury prevention. This long overdue resolution firmly frames injury as a major child survival issue.
From WHO: ICD revision in the works
The 10th edition of ICD, the core epidemiological tool for mortality and morbidity research, is currently being revised to produce ICD-11. The projected completion date is 2015. An early draft was released by the WHO in May 2011 and a public viewing and commenting facility is available at the website listed below. The Topic Advisory Group on Injury and External Causes (TAG-IEC), chaired by Professor James Harrison, has been working on developing new code structures. A summary of the many changes to the external causes of injury content can be found at TAG-IEC invites comments, and offers of assistance from the injury research community can be made either on the draft platform or by contacting David van der Zwaag (
From North America: concussion a hot web topic
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