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  1. Barry Pless
  1. Correspondence to Barry Pless, 434 Lansdowne, Westmount H3Y2V2, Canada; barry.pless{at}

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Comings and goings (mostly goings)

Two important departures from the Journal occurred this past year. Both will be greatly missed. Earlier in the year, John Langley, one of the original editorial board members, took early retirement from the Journal and from his job in New Zealand. He was a conscientious critic and a solid supporter. Hank Weiss is his successor as Director of the IPRU in Auckland, New Zealand. The other important departure is Mike Hayes, the real founder of this Journal. As I wrote in an email to the editorial board, ‘Since we started, Mike Hayes has edited this section with great success … but with a constant struggle. He has now decided to step down and I want to thank him, as I know Brian does, for his long and excellent service. He is irreplaceable and will be greatly missed.'

New head of NCIPC—Dr Linda Degutis

As noted in the editor's blog, Linda Degutis, a current member of our editorial board was appointed Director of the National Centre for Injury Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control in the USA. Linda succeeds Ileana Arias. This position is the most important and influential in the injury prevention scene in the USA, and Linda brings to it a wealth of experience in the field. As BDJ noted, ‘Injury Programs at the CDC deserve a vocal advocate who understands the scope and breadth of the injury epidemic, the importance of research and the challenges and priorities of translating research findings into workable, effective public health …

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