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Analysis of gender violence cases on materials of forensic medical evaluations and data of anonymous inquires
  1. A I Iskandarov*,
  2. S M Ganieva
  1. Correspondence Tashkent Pediatric Medical institute, Tashkent, Bogishamol street, 223 100140, Uzbekistan


Carrying out forensic medical evaluation at gender violence in the Republic of Uzbekistan is one of the important chains of disclosing, being connected with sexual violence. The aim of gender violence cases analysis.

Materials Materials for study were 370 cases of forensic medical evaluations in sexual crimes and 408 anonymous maps-inquiries for latent criminality study. Result of research. Schoolchildren were 35.7%, students were 16.7%. Among the schoolchildren the majority victims-girls were from professional colleges (82.7%), the rests were pupils from the secondary schools (17.3%). At study anonymous maps-inquiries on the first place by types of gender violence the force from the intimate partner was 76.2%, then sexual violence in the childhood was 12.4%, violence in adult age was 7.5% and others. The analysis of maps-inquiries allowed to underline three groups of women: (1) being undergone to gender violence from the side of intimate partner; (2) being undergone to from the side of other persons; (3) who could avoid violence at real existing threat.

Conclusions (1) Gender violence is high latent kind of crimes, witnessing on data of women who doesn't address to legal protective offices (48%). (2) Monitoring of sexual crimes in the Republic of Uzbekistan is necessary. (3) Raise of public knowledge in gender violence is one of their guarantee for their prevention. (4) It is necessary to enter problems of prophylaxis violence at all stages to curriculum on the level both secondary and higher education.

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