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Population-based survey of infant bed sharing
  1. C Nie*,
  2. A M Bailey,
  3. G R Istre,
  4. R Anderson
  1. Correspondence Injury Prevention Center at Parkland Health and Hospital System, 5000 Harry Hines, Boulevard Dallas, TX 75235, USA


Disparities by race/ethnicity exist in sudden infant death. Bed sharing has been shown to increase risk of sleep-related infant deaths.

Objective To quantify infant bed sharing in Dallas, Texas from 214 pilot surveys. We anticipate additional surveys to analyse for the final presentation.

Methods Parents completed a self administered survey regarding their infant's (<1 year) sleep pattern. Surveys were conducted in waiting rooms at a sample of public and private paediatric practices. Surveys asked for demographics, hours of bed sharing in the previous 24 h, and prevalence of other sleep practices.

Results Over half (56.6%) of infants were Hispanic. Mean age: Infant=4.1 months; Mother=28 years. Bed sharing occurred among 44% of infants, for an average of 4.5 h. The majority of bed sharing was with a parent. Other findings: prone placement (4.7%), pacifier use (33%), crib in home (81.2%) and fan presence (60%). Bed sharing was more common among breastfed infants (OR=2.4; 95% CI 1.3 to 4.4) and premature infants (OR=2.38; 95% CI 1.2 to 4.8). Families without a crib were more likely to bed share (OR=2.5; 95% CI 1.2 to 5.2) and bed share for more hours (6.6 h vs 3.8 h).

Conclusions Infant bed sharing is common in Dallas. Families without a crib had a higher prevalence of bed sharing. Local data offers the potential to quantify bed sharing risk and measure efficacy of community interventions.

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