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  1. Diva Creative (Sheffield) on behalf of South Yorkshire Police and South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue
  1. Correspondence to South Yorkshire Police (based at the Lifewise Centre), Lifewise Centre Magna Park Sheffield Road Rotherham, S60 1DX, UK


The Lifewise Centre DVD seeks to raise awareness of the excellent scenario facilities available. The Lifewise Centre is a purpose built community engagement facility which provides a variety of environments to public, voluntary and private sector organisations wishing to raise public awareness or enter into educational activity which centres on community safety and staying safe issues. The centrepiece of the facility is a realistic film set environment which allows for the development of interactive scenario based activity such as the following events: * crucial crew * special educational needs crucial crew * over 50's safety event * drive 4 life (young drivers event) * point 7 Gun, knife and gang initiative * Staying Safe in Sheffield (international student safety event) Since the centre opened in 2005, in excess of 84 000 attendees have benefited from the facilities and the events held at the centre. The Lifewise film encourages all members of the community to become involved in a variety of ways – attending one of the impactive safety events, facilitating a safety scenario or event (as an organisation) or taking up the opportunity to become a Police Support Volunteer. Events which take place at the centre need to demonstrate a clear link to one or more of the following objectives, in line with the Centre's booking criteria: * community safety * personal safety * personal responsibility * citizenship and * community awareness. Further information about Lifewise can be found on the website –

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