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Getting your research published: writing for Injury Prevention
  1. B Johnston*,
  2. S Ameratunga*,
  3. D Blank*,
  4. D Kendrick*,
  5. B Pless*,
  6. F Winston*
  1. Correspondence Injury Prevention – A BMJ Group Journal, 325 Ninth Avenue – Box 359774 Seattle, Washington 98104 USA


Participants will become familiar with the process of writing for scientific publication, including a discussion of common mistakes, useful resources and strategies to improve the writing process and acceptance rates. Topics to be covered include: Why publish? Identifying the research question, How to write a paper, Using reporting guidelines, Finding mentorship, Common issues in publication ethics, Choosing the right journal. Understanding peer review & editorial decision making. Space and attendance permitting, the format will include a didactic presentation followed by small group discussions and exercises facilitated by some of the most highly published researchers and research mentors in the field.

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