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Home and leisure accidents observatory: a new French data source
  1. M Dupuy*
  1. Correspondence Calyxis, 94 rue des Ors BP 68622 79026 NIORT cedex, France


Home and leisure accidents (HLA) kill around 19 000 people each year in France. French data collection is mainly based on the EPAC survey, founded by the InVS. Only 10 French hospitals are concerned and it only takes in account the accidents that request going to an emergency unit. Calyxis, centre of risk expertise, has been established as the major French organisation for the last 10 years in the field of HLA and their prevention, which goes from research programs to awareness campaigns directed to the population. Calyxis has been working, for the last 3 years, to set up an observatory of HLA, based on accident statements made by the members of the three most important mutual insurance companies in France. This observatory would have three purposes: to learn more and spread information about HLA, to set up adapted and well targeted prevention policies and to elaborate a new data base complementary of the EPAC survey. This observatory is made of two distinct but complementary systems:

Gathering and analysing accidents data: based on the accident and its circumstances, this first measure consist on an annual collection of accident statements of mutual insurance companies.

The MAVIE observatory: this surveillance and research system make for the individual follow-up of a sample group of 10 000 voluntary mutualists. It complete the first axis and allows us to determine risk factors.

This project is realised in close collaboration with the French National Institute of the Health and the Medical Research (INSERM).

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