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Annual incidence and cost of non-fatal farm youth injury in the United States, 2001–2006
  1. E Zaloshnja*,
  2. Ted R Miller
  1. Correspondence Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, 11720 Beltsville, Dr. Suite 900 Beltsville, MD 20705, USA


Objective Estimate the annual incidence and cost of non-fatal farm youth injury in the United States for the period 2001–06.

Methods We used 2001–06 Childhood Agricultural Injury Survey data to estimate the annual incidence of farm youth non-fatal injury. To estimate the costs of injuries suffered by youth working/living on the farm, we multiplied the number of injuries times published unit costs by body part, nature of injury and age group.

Results The annual number of non-fatal injuries to farm youth (ages 0–19) in 2001–2006 was 26 570. Of those, 45.1% occurred to household youth not working (95% CI: 39.6 to 50.6). The annual cost of non-fatal farm youth injuries was $119.9 million (in 2005 dollars). The bulk of it ($92.1 million) was comprised of medical costs. The mean cost was $4515 per case (95 CI $4273 to $4757).

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