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Strengthening the role of US Public Health Departments in preventing violence: recommendations from an Expert Roundtable Meeting
  1. P Smith,
  2. L Scarpetta*,
  3. A Williams
  1. Correspondence Safe States Alliance, 2200 Century Parkway, Suite 700 Atlanta, GA 30345, USA


Despite the growing recognition of violence as a public health issue, public health involvement in violence prevention remains limited. According to the Prevention Institute, there are a number of roles and skills sets that public health can bring to the table in preventing violence, including measuring the problem and progress in addressing it; coordinating the range of needed efforts; and building capacity among multiple players to prevent violence. In addition, public health professionals can develop data-informed strategies and serve as an invaluable advocate for the prevention of violence. During this session, the Safe States Alliance (formerly the State and Territorial Injury Prevention Directors Association) will share recommendations from an expert roundtable meeting held on 13 April 2010 to clarify and prioritise the roles of national, state, and local public health departments in preventing violence.

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