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Road traffic crashes account for numerous human lives and disability all around the world. To understand the role that human behavior plays in crashes can help to reduce their negative burden. For this reason, the aim of this study was to assess the relationships among driving styles and personality traits by gender and age group. We hypothesised that different driving styles are related to different personality traits. We also hypothesised that the nature and strength of the relationship can differ by gender and age groups. We collected data from a non-probabilistic sample consisting in 908 drivers in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina. Driving Styles were assessed by the Multidimensional Driving Style Inventory (MDSI) which evaluates six domains of driving behaviour (risk, anger, anxiety, distress, inattention and prudence while driving). Personality was assessed with the short form of the Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Inventory (ZQPQ-50-cc), which allows to assess five personality traits: impulsive sensation seeking, anxiety, aggression, activation and sociability. Overall, results suggested that different patterns of personality traits are associated to different driving styles. We also found that gender and age can moderate these relationships. Notwithstanding, in all cases correlations were moderate, suggesting further research is needed to better understand the role that personality plays in driving behaviour. Finally, we discuss the consequences of our findings for road safety.