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Road traffic-related deaths among vulnerable road users. Argentina, 1980 – 2007
  1. C Ubeda*,
  2. V Espitia,
  3. R Peltzer,
  4. A Perinetti
  1. Correspondence Instituto Nacional de Epidemiologa Dr. JuanH.Jara. ANLIS. Malbran, Ituzaingo 3520. Mar del Plata. Buenos Aires 7600, Argentina


Introduction In Argentina occurred 5914 road traffic deaths in 2007, which is equivalent to 16 people per day. A total of 2328 were vulnerable road users with 6 per day. The objective of this study is to describe the burden of vulnerable road users deaths in Argentina.

Method A descriptive longitudinal study based on secondary data was conducted. Pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclist were included as vulnerable road users (VRU). Data from Ministry of Health and Road Traffic National Agency were used in the analysis. We calculated general and specific rates for age and sex of VRU by province.

Results VRU accounted 39.5% of the total road traffic deaths with 17.5% motorcyclists, 15.2% pedestrians and 6.7% cyclists. The risk of death increased for pedestrians 55 years and older and for cyclists aged 70 and 80 years. Rates among motorcyclists were higher in the group 15 and 25 years old. Over two thirds (76%) of the deaths were registered in male. Men also predominated in crashes involving bicyclists. There were differences among provinces: pedestrians were predominating in the North West region and Capital Federal with 30% of the total. In Santa Fe, Cordoba and La Rioja (North Central region), motorcyclists were 20% of deaths.

Conclusion Combined information from different data sources provides a broad vision of the burden of the problem. The results showed the need to develop strategies for protecting VRU especially those over 60 years, which pose an increased risk relative to other users.

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