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One of the most important human risk factors for road traffic crashes is alcohol consumption. The relationship between acute alcohol consumption and road traffic crashes has been much studied, nevertheless, less is known about the relationship between chronic consumption and accident involvement. The objective of this study is to characterise Argentinean drivers according to their alcohol drinking pattern, tendency to drink and drive, alcohol-related problems, involvement in road traffic crashes, age and gender.
Methods Data were collected from a casual sample of Argentinean drivers. The data were gathered through a self-administered questionnaire evaluating: age, sex, involvement in road traffic crashes – last 12 months –, usual drinking pattern and alcohol problems – Rapid Alcohol Problems Screen (RAPS4)-. A factorial analysis of principal components and mixed classification analysis were performed. Active variables were usual quantity and frequency of drinking, and beverage preferred, all the other variables were taken as illustrative.
Results The occasional intake of low quantities, mainly of wine, was associated to being a female and to avoid drinking and driving. The weekly intake of high quantities, mainly beer, was associated to being young and to tend to drink and drive. Abstainers tended to be female who have not had an road traffic crashes.
Conclusion A empiric typology of drivers was created according to their alcohol drinking pattern. These patterns were studied in relation to other associated factors. This characterisation contributes to the understanding of human factors in Traffic Safety and to future developments in Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention in Argentina.