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Pattern and trend of trauma in a tertiary health institution: an 8 year review
  1. O K Ogundipe*,
  2. O L AbdurRahman,
  3. B A Solagberu,
  4. K P C Ofoegbu,
  5. A A Adekanye
  1. Correspondence Department of Surgery, Division Of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, University Teaching Hospital, Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State 360001, Nigeria


Background Trauma is common and world wide, with varying causes and consequences. It constitutes a significant portion of presentation to the surgical accident and emergency units. Keeping databases enhance plans for preventive measures.

Method An 8 year review of our institutional trauma database was carried out to determine the injury pattern and trend.

Result Sixty-nine point seven percent of 13 755 patients presenting to the accident and emergency unit over an 8 year period presented on account of trauma. Of these, 72.7% were males and 26.7% were females. Six point four percent, 8.6%, 5.9%, 70.5% and 5.8% of the patients were in the age range 0 4, >4–10, >10–15, >15–55 and >55 years respectively. Road traffic injuries (RTIs), falls and assault were the commonest causes of trauma responsible for 61.0%, 10.9% and 8.5% of the injuries respectively. Drivers, pedestrians and passengers accounted for 21.1%, 23.4% and 55.5% of the victims of RTIs. Fall was the single most common cause of injuries among toddlers, followed by RTIs and burns. Assault and gunshot injuries were commonest among the >15–55 years age group. There is no statistically significant appreciable change in the trend of the various trauma types over the years.

Conclusion Trauma still remains a major problem, with RTI the leading cause. Centres with no trauma databases are challenged to do so. Preventive measures should be made more focused to obtain reduction in injury prevalence.

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