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Reports of interpersonal violence on residents of Recife identified in the public health services
  1. M C Maia e Silva*,
  2. A M De Brito,
  3. R Tavares,
  4. J L Corra de Arajo,
  5. A De Lima Araujo
  1. Correspondence Prefeitura do Recife, avenida Rosa e Silva 955, apto 501 bairro Aflitos, Pernambuco, 52020220, Brazil


Objective To identify and analyse the reports of interpersonal violence on residents of Recife identified in the public health services, from August 2006 to March 2008.

Methods A descriptive cross-sectional study. Used the surveillance system of domestic violence and sexual violence and other violences – VIVA. The variables analysed were gender, age, race, violence typology, place of occurrence and victim/aggressor relationship and presented in graphs and tables.

Results Reported 822 cases in 23 health services in Recife. Physical violence appeared in 253 notifications, 234 psychological, neglect/abandonment in 229 to 165 sexual, noting that one type of violence does not preclude the other, a case can be notified with more than one type of violence. Of the cases 90% were violence against children and adolescents – C/A. The female preponderance of 58, 3 cases with male and 40.8%. The race/colour brown prevailed with 34.2% followed by white and black with 13%. It is observed that 38.0% of the notifications do not have this information. Mothers appear as the main aggressor in violence against C/A, followed by friends, acquaintances, stepfathers, unknown and spouse. Children under 10 years were mostly victims of neglect/abandonment, aged 10–17 years of violence prevalent psychological. The health district VI had the highest number of cases.

Conclusions The study revealed underreporting cases, only 19 reporting units, most violence against C/A, these data can support public policies for prevention and victim support.

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