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Review of association between awareness and wearing of helmet
  1. Mostafa Medhati*,
  2. Mohsen Moghadami,
  3. E Hadizadeh
  1. Correspondence Health Department, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Zand Street, Central Building of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, 4rd Floor, Non Communicable Diseases section, 7188975913, Iran


Today motorcycle has a significant role of transportation due to high speed and small size and high power mobility. Considering that helmet have significant effects in reducing damage and mortality of motorcycle riders. A lot of interventions are done based on just to education and awareness promotion about of benefit of using helmet for motorcycle riders.

Methods This case control study is done on 500 motorcycle riders that have helmet during the interview (as the case) and 500 motorcycle riders that haven't helmet at that time (as control).

Finding Between degrees of awareness of them of benefit of using helmet and the people who had worn helmet during interview didn't find any significant association. The most group of education was less than high school (44%).There was not significant association between education and using helmet. 37.8% of people that hadn't worn helmet they had helmet that 87.4% this group had bought as voluntarily. The most important reasons regarding the lack of using helmet in control group is as follows: (1) heaviness and harassment (53.5%). The number of people in case group that had certification motorcycle riders was significantly more than the control group.

Conclusion We know one of the most important of activities for injury prevention base on public education and awareness has been done.

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