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WHO collaborating centre on community safety promotion
  1. L Svanström,
  2. M Sundström
  1. Correspondence Department of Public Health Sciences, Division of Social Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Norrbacka, 2nd Floor, Stockholm SE-171 76, Sweden


Karolinska Institutet, Division of Social Medicine, Sweden, was designated as a WHO Collaborating Centre on Community Safety Promotion 1989, because of its long experiences with community oriented safety promotion programmes. The role of the WHO Collaborating Centre is to:

Spread the WHO Safety Promotion Programme Safe Community world-wide;

Review applications from communities related to six Indicators for Safe Communities; Affiliate Centres and Certifying Centres for Safe Communities and Safe Schools;

Organise together with Safe Communities annual International Safe Community Conferences and Regional (Africa; Asia; European; Nordic and Pacific Rim) Safe Community Conferences;

Co-ordinate education on Master and Ph.D. level in safety promotion and training courses sc “Travelling Seminars”;

Publish a newsletter: Safe Community Monthly News;

Involve in other conferences like the biannual “World Conferences on Injury Prevention and Control”;

Conduct methodological development and transfer of technology;

Organise networks for community programs;

Conduct research.

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