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Global Campaign for Violence Prevention: significant progress for many countries

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During recent months, several activities have been conducted to review the progress made in implementing the recommendations of the World report on violence and health. The following is a summary of some of these activities as well as an update on a few other recent events which took place in the context of WHO’s Global Campaign for Violence Prevention.

In October WHO hosted the 2nd Milestones of a Global Campaign for Violence Prevention meeting bringing together 150 violence prevention experts from around the world. Co-hosted by the California Wellness Foundation in San Francisco, the meeting marked the third anniversary of the global launch of the World report on violence and health. Senior health officials representing Brazil, Latvia, Jamaica, Mongolia, the United Kingdom, and the USA showcased some of their recent achievements in surveillance, prevention, and services for victims. Participants also discussed the media’s role in preventing violence with presentations by representatives of the Berkley Media Studies Group (USA), the British Broadcasting …

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