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“Banned from the streets I have paid to use”: an analysis of Australian print media coverage of proposals for passenger and night driving restrictions for young drivers
  1. S Blows1,
  2. R Q Ivers2,
  3. S Chapman3
  1. 1Injury Prevention and Trauma Care Division, The George Institute for International Health, University of Sydney, Sydney NSW, Australia
  2. 2The George Institute for International Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
  3. 3School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr S Blows
 Injury Prevention and Trauma Care Division, The George Institute for International Health, University of Sydney, Level 10 King George V Building, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, PO Box M201 Missenden Road, Sydney NSW 2050, Australia;


Objective: To catalogue arguments that can be anticipated in public debate when passenger and night driving restrictions are being advocated.

Design and setting: Frame analysis of all relevant coverage of these topics in Australian print media during the three month period between June and September 2004 when intensive debate on the topic occurred.

Main outcome measures: Debating frames used in reports and commentary on passenger and night driving restrictions.

Results: There were 52 relevant articles published containing seven distinct frames supporting the restrictions and six opposing them. Overall, more instances of frames supporting the restrictions were published; these mostly focused on the potential for saving lives. Opposition to the restrictions focused largely on their inappropriateness as a road safety measure as well as on the importance of young people’s autonomy and freedom.

Conclusions: Advocates of passenger and night driving restrictions have a number of arguments available to advance their case; however, it is important to anticipate and address possible counter arguments. Future research should address the saliency of different arguments to the public and key decision makers in government.

  • mass media
  • young drivers
  • graduated driver licensing

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