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Practical introduction to record linkage for injury research
  1. D E Clark
  1. Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation, Maine Medical Center and the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, Harvard School of Public Health
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr David E Clark
 887 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04102, USA;


The frequency of early fatality and the transient nature of emergency medical care mean that a single database will rarely suffice for population based injury research. Linking records from multiple data sources is therefore a promising method for injury surveillance or trauma system evaluation. The purpose of this article is to review the historical development of record linkage, provide a basic mathematical foundation, discuss some practical issues, and consider some ethical concerns.

Clerical or computer assisted deterministic record linkage methods may suffice for some applications, but probabilistic methods are particularly useful for larger studies. The probabilistic method attempts to simulate human reasoning by comparing each of several elements from the two records. The basic mathematical specifications are derived algebraically from fundamental concepts of probability, although the theory can be extended to include more advanced mathematics.

Probabilistic, deterministic, and clerical techniques may be combined in different ways depending upon the goal of the record linkage project. If a population parameter is being estimated for a purely statistical study, a completely probabilistic approach may be most efficient; for other applications, where the purpose is to make inferences about specific individuals based upon their data contained in two or more files, the need for a high positive predictive value would favor a deterministic method or a probabilistic method with careful clerical review. Whatever techniques are used, researchers must realize that the combination of data sources entails additional ethical obligations beyond the use of each source alone.

  • record linkage
  • record matching
  • CODES, Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System
  • EMS, Emergency Medical Services
  • NPV, negative predictive value
  • PPV, positive predictive value

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