Table of contents
March 1995 - Volume 1 - 1
- Logo and logic (1 March, 1995)
- Giving birth... and thanks (1 March, 1995)
Research Article
- America's experiment with motor vehicle safety regulation. (1 March, 1995)
- Injury prevention: an uphill battle. (1 March, 1995)
- Sensory deficit and the risk of pedestrian injury. (1 March, 1995)
- Gender differences in injuries among rural youth. (1 March, 1995)
- Head injuries in helmeted child bicyclists. (1 March, 1995)
- Energy damage and the 10 countermeasure strategies. 1973. (1 March, 1995)
- Methodologic issues in injury case-control studies. (1 March, 1995)
- The Child Accident Prevention Trust (UK). (1 March, 1995)
- The role of health education in childhood injury prevention. (1 March, 1995)
- News and notes (1 March, 1995)
Book Review
- Book reviews (1 March, 1995)