Table 2

Health impact of SCI measured by LE, loss-of-LE, LMC (US$ with 3% discount) and SCI-related LMC stratified by sex, age and traumatic causes (MV injuries and falls)

Death (n)SMRLE (year)Loss-of-LE (year)LMC (US$)SCI-related LMC (US$)
All197634 (33 to 36)17.6 (16.6 to 19.6)13.3 (11.1 to 14.1)82 772 (78 949 to 86 998)56 542 (51 757 to 60 806)
 Male154633 (31 to 35)17.5 (16.1 to 19.6)13.0 (10.9 to 14.5)83 501 (78 188 to 89 331)55 325 (50 908 to 60 504)
 Female43039 (35 to 43)17.7 (15.1 to 22.4)14.3 (9.4 to 16.9)79 497 (69 518 to 85 539)54 772 (47 686 to 61 465)
Age, year
 16–3923777 (68 to 87)27.8 (23.5 to 35.7)20.5 (12.7 to 24.9)95 534 (85 740 to 106 539)62 725 (54 754 to 71 476)
 40–5966452 (48 to 56)16.8 (15.4 to 19.0)13.1 (10.8 to 14.4)89 830 (82 981 to 97 148)60 615 (54 355 to 66 734)
 60–99107526 (24 to 27)7.9 (7.5 to 8.5)7.0 (6.4 to 7.5)59 785 (56 880 to 63 498)39 753 (37 060 to 43 137)
Traumatic causes
 MV injuries46232 (29 to 35)16.9 (15.4 to 19.5)17.5 (15.0 to 19.0)*80 867 (75 505 to 86 638)54 334 (48 348 to 60 241)
 Falls40230 (27 to 33)18.0 (15.5 to 22.0)11.7 (7.8 to 14.6)*75 301 (68 276 to 81 654)48 152 (43 022 to 54 590)
  • Values are numbers (95% CI).

  • *P<0.05, comparison between MV and fall-related SCI.

  • LE, life expectancy; LMC, lifetime medical cost; MV, motor vehicle; SCI, spinal cord injury; SMR, standardised mortality ratio.