Table 4

Performance objectives, determinants and change objectives for the Implementation of FootyFirst by community-AF coaches

 Determinants of FootyFirst IMPLEMENTATION by community-AF coaches 
 Internal (personal) determinantsExternal determinants
Performance objectives (POs)KnowledgeSkillsBeliefsEnvironment
PO 6Coaches incorporate FootyFirst into regular warm-up for all training sessionsK7Know what to do when implementing FootyFirst regularly and properlyS4Have skills to implement FootyFirst regularly and properlyB11Believe that players need to do FootyFirst regularly and properly to receive benefitsE9Receive external praise and encouragement for incorporating FootyFirst into regular warm-up
K8Know how to implement FootyFirst regularly and properlyB12Believe that incorporating FootyFirst into warm-up will lead to players performing FootyFirst regularlyE10Receive external support to incorporate FootyFirst into regular warm-up
B13Believe that other coaches will incorporate FootyFirst into warm-upE11Receive external feedback that players participating in FootyFirst regularly and properly is leading to relevant benefits
B14Believe players will support FootyFirst being incorporated into regular warm-up
PO 7Coaches ensure players do FootyFirst with fidelity (ie, appropriate volume, technique and intensity)K9Know what is required to do FootyFirst with fidelityS5Have skills to assess player performance of FootyFirstB15Believe that players need to do FootyFirst with fidelity to receive injury prevention and performance benefitsE12Receive praise and encouragement from club, league for players doing FootyFirst with fidelity
S6Have skills to correct poor performance of FootyFirst by playersB16Believe that correcting poor performance of FootyFirst by players will lead to players performing FootyFirst with fidelityE13Receive support from club, league, etc, for players to do FootyFirst with fidelity
PO 8Coaches progress players through FootyFirst levels as appropriateK10Know when to progress players to next FootyFirst levelS7Have skills to assess player readiness to progress to next level of FootyFirstB17Believe that player progression through levels of FootyFirst is required to maximise injury prevention and performance benefitsE14Receive praise and encouragement from club, league for progressing players through FootyFirst levels
K11Know how to progress players to next FootyFirst levelS8Have skills to implement all levels of FootyFirstE15Receive feedback from players that they are happy to progress through FootyFirst levels
  • Programme use Implementation outcome: coaches deliver FootyFirst as intended.

  • AF, Australian football; B11–17, belief change objectives: E9–15, environment change objectives. K7–11, knowledge change objectives; S4–8, skill change objectives.