Table 1

ICD-10 codes constituting severe injury-related hospitalisations among children and youth 0–19 years of age

NumberICD-10DiagnosisSource Data set
1S01.9Open wound of head, part unspecifiedDAD
2S02.1Fracture of base of skullOTR
3S02.7Multiple fractures involving skull and facial boneDAD
4S02.9Fracture of other facial bonesOTR
5S04Injury of cranial nervesOTR
6S05.7Avulsion of eyeOTR
7S06.1Traumatic cerebral oedemaDADOTR
8S06.2Diffuse brain injuryDADOTR
9S06.3Focal brain injuryDADOTR
10S06.4Epidural haemorrhageOTR
11S06.5Traumatic subdural haemorrhageDADOTR
12S06.6Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhageDADOTR
13S06.8Other intracranial injuriesDADOTR
14S06.9Intracranial injury, unspecifiedDAD
15S07.0Crushing injury of faceDADOTR
16S11Open wound of neckOTR
17S12Fracture of neckOTR
18S13Dislocation, sprain and strain of joints and ligaments at neck levelOTR
19S14.1Complete lesion of cervical spinal cordDADOTR
20S14.6Other and unspecified injuries of neckOTR
21S15Injury of blood vessels at neck levelOTR
22S21Open wound of thoraxOTR
23S22Fracture of rib(s), sternum and thoracic spineOTR
24S24Injury of nerves and spinal cord at thorax levelOTR
25S25.0Injury of thoracic aortaDADOTR
26S25.3Injury of innominate or subclavian veinDADOTR
27S25.4Injury of pulmonary blood vesselsDADOTR
28S26.0Injury of heart with haemopericardiumDAD
29S26.8Other injuries of heart (contusion, laceration, puncture)DAD
30S27Injury of other and unspecified intrathoracic organsDAD
31S28Crushing injury of thorax and traumatic amputation of part of thoraxOTR
32S31Open wound of abdomen, lower back and pelvisOTR
33S32Fracture of lumbar spine and pelvisOTR
34S35.0Injury of abdominal aortaDADOTR
35S35.1Injury of inferior vena cavaDADOTR
36S36Injury of intra-abdominal organsDAD*OTR*
37S37Injury of urinary and pelvic organsOTR
38S38.1Crushing injury of other and unspecified parts of abdomen, lower back and pelvisOTR
39S42.0Fracture of clavicleOTR
40S42.1Fracture of scapulaOTR
41S72.0Fracture of neck of femurOTR
42S75.0Injury of femoral arteryDAD
43S77Crushing injury of hip and thighOTR
44S78Traumatic amputation of hip and thighOTR
45S86Injury of muscle and tendon at lower leg levelOTR
46S88.0Traumatic amputation at knee levelDAD
47T01.9Multiple open wounds, unspecifiedDAD
48T06.8Other specified injuries involving multiple body regionsDAD
49T20.3Burn of third degree of head and neckDADOTR
50T21Burn and corrosion of trunkOTR
51T22.3Burn of third degree of shoulder and upper limb, except wrist and handOTR
52T24Burn and corrosion of hip and lower limb, except ankle and footOTR
53T27Burn and corrosion of respiratory tractOTR
54T29.3Burns of multiple regions, at least one burn of third degree mentionedDADOTR
55T30.3Burn of third degree, body region unspecifiedDAD
56T58Toxic effects of carbon monoxideDADOTR
59T75.1Drowning and non-fatal submersionDADOTR
60T79.4Traumatic shock (immediate/delayed following injury)DAD
  • *S36.0—OTR; S36.1—DAD/OTR; S36.2—OTR; S36.3—OTR; S36.4—OTR; S36.5—DAD/OTR.

  • DAD, Discharge Abstract Database; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; OTR, Ontario Trauma Registry.