Table 1

Proportion of SBC casualties among total number of bicycle crash and road crash casualties admitted to hospital per country

Study area, study period and sourcesShare of cycling in the modal splitShare (%) of SBC victims amongNumber of cyclist victims on which the share is based
CyclistsAll road crash injuries
Netherlands (2005–2009)4 3331744146 100
Denmark (2011)33 3619743318 489
Belgium, Flanders and Brussels (2003–2007)1 3313873018 750
England (2011–2012)19 332802316 227
Sweden (1998–2005)5 3317752329 788
Finland (1985–1986)*33 37136522127
Canada (2010–2011)35 38282154126
USA, Oregon (2002–2006)35 39 4016711414
Australia (2008–2009)34 3516393811
France, Rhône county (1996–2008)20 3336592578
Iran (2003)41NA623420
Germany, Münster (2009–2010)*9 352772251
New Zealand (2011)42 431782260
  • *Questionnaire study among hospitalised victims.

  • SBC, single-bicycle crash.