Table 1

Characteristics of families observed at home and case-control study participants not observed at home

CharacteristicHome observation (n=162)Cases/controls not observed at home (n=3289)p Value
Age of child<0.001
 0–12 months20 (12.4)954 (29.0)
 13–36 months107 (66.1)1550 (47.1)
 37–62 months35 (21.6)785 (23.9)
Sex of child: male103 (63.6)1823 (55.4)0.041
Ethnic origin: white150 (92.6)2958 (91.5) [57]0.63
Number of children aged <5 years in family[46]0.46
 0029 (0.9)
 191 (56.2)1938 (59.8)
 264 (39.5)1146 (35.3)
 ≥37 (4.3)130 (4.0)
Case or control is first child67 (43.5) [8]1366 (45.0) [254]0.72
Sex of respondent: female156 (96.3)3043 (92.5)0.071
Maternal age ≤19 at birth of first child*20 (13.0) [2]295 (9.8) [22]0.19
Single adult household29 (17.9)353 (11.0) [76]0.007
Adults out of work[61]<0.001
 077 (47.5)1783 (55.2)
 144 (27.2)1007 (31.2)
 ≥241 (25.3)438 (13.6)
Receipt of state benefits62 (38.8) [2]1198 (37.4) [86]0.73
Overcrowding (>1 person per room)11 (7.1) [8]228 (7.3) [175]0.93
Non-owner occupier64 (39.5)1090 (33.7) [58]0.13
Household has no car26 (16.1)378 (11.7) [50]0.093
Median index of multiple deprivation score (IQR)17.1 (9.5, 34.4)15.2 (9.3, 27.3) [28]0.068
  • Values are number (%) unless stated otherwise.

  • [ ] missing values.

  • *Only applicable if completed by mother.