Table 2

Logistic regression results: risk of AME among older adults associated with beneficiary attributes, health attributes and region of residence (n=428 373 person-months)

ORLower 95% CLUpper 95% CLp Value
Beneficiary attributes
 Age at baseline1.011.001.01*
 Never marriedb0.950.731.24
 Other ethnicity/racec0.750.521.08
 Annual income <$10 000d0.900.781.04
 Grade school onlye0.880.761.02
 High school degreee0.900.781.04
 Some college, no degreee0.890.771.04
Beneficiary health attributes
 Number of chronic conditions1.271.241.29***
 ADL limitations1.041.001.09*
 IADL limitations1.010.971.05
 Self-reported fair to poor healthf1.321.181.48***
Rural–urban location
 Urban locationh0.910.811.02
 Rural locationh1.070.901.28
  • Estimates were from random-effects multinomial logistic regression and adjusted for insurance status, death and cohort year. Robust estimates of the SEs were used. The following reference categories apply: afemale, bmarried, cwhite/Caucasian, dincome ≥10 001, ecollege degree or higher, fhealth good to excellent, gnormal weight, hsuburban location, and isouth. *p<0.05; ***p<0.001.

  • ADL, activities of daily living; AME, adverse medical event; CL, confidence limit; IADL, instrumental activities of daily living.