Table 1

Demographic and offence characteristics of state prison inmates incarcerated for an offence committed with a firearm in 13 states (n=253)

n (%)
Demographic characteristics
  Male234 (92.5)
  Female19 (7.5)
 Age when sentenced for current offence (years)
  14–1748 (19.0)
  18–2058 (22.9)
  21–2446 (18.2)
  25–2935 (13.8)
  30 and older66 (26.1)
  Non-Hispanic Black169 (66.8)
  Non-Hispanic White63 (24.9)
  Hispanic9 (3.6)
  Other12 (4.7)
 Education (n=251)
  Less than high school185 (73.7)
  High School or equivalent41 (16.3)
  More than high School25 (10.0)
 Marital status (n=252)
  Never married177 (70.2)
  Divorced/separated/widowed48 (19.1)
  Married27 (10.7)
 Employed in the month before incarceration (n=246)
  Full-time129 (52.4)
  Part-time/occasional24 (9.8)
  Unemployed: looking for work32 (13.0)
  Unemployed: not looking for work61 (24.8)
State of current offense
 Arkansas21 (8.3)
 Georgia64 (25.3)
 Idaho5 (2.0)
 Louisiana39 (15.4)
 Maine1 (0.4)
 Michigan67 (26.5)
 Mississippi27 (10.7)
 Montana5 (2.0)
 New Hampshire0 (0)
 New Mexico13 (5.1)
 Vermont1 (0.4)
 Wisconsin10 (4.0)
 Wyoming0 (0)
Current offences*
 Violent offences
  Murder/voluntary non-vehicular manslaughter86 (34.0)
  Robbery75 (29.6)
  Aggravated assault/assault on police officer32 (12.6)
  Other violent acts6 (2.4)
 Property offences
  Burglary6 (2.4)
  Other property offences3 (1.2)
 Drug offences
  Trafficking15 (5.9)
  Possession or use7 (2.8)
 Public order offences
  Weapons offences19 (7.5)
  Parole/probation violation or contempt2 (0.8)
  Other public order offences2 (0.8)
Type of gun used in current offense
 Handgun204 (80.6)
 Rifle30 (11.9)
 Shotgun25 (9.9)
 Other firearm4 (1.6)
  • * For inmates currently incarcerated for more than one offence, only the most serious is included here.

  • All offence categories include attempted and completed offences.

  • Percentages do not sum to 100 because 10 respondents used more than one type of gun in their current offence.