Table 2

Rate ratio (RR) of sex-specific injury mortality estimated by migrant status, adjusted for age and income. Danish-born controls form the reference group. Analyses are based on data from 1 January 1994 to 31 December 2007

Injury typeRefugeesImmigrants
RR95%CInp ValueRR95%CInp Value
Intentional injuries
  Women0.80(0.40 to 1.61)100.54030.87(0.46 to 1.65)120.6609
  Men0.38(0.24 to 0.61)19<0.00010.24(0.10 to 0.59)60.0019
  Women1.71(0.38 to 7.77)30.48863.09(1.11 to 8.60)70.0306
  Men2.03(0.87 to 4.77)90.10360.51(0.07 to 3.92)10.5166
 Unintentional injuries
  Women0.44(0.23 to 0.83)110.01130.40(0.21 to 0.76)100.0055
  Men0.40(0.29 to 0.56)40<0.00010.22(0.12 to 0.42)12<0.0001