Table 2

Demographic and military characteristics of active duty US Army suicides, 2007–8 combined*

CharacteristicNo of suicides (n=255)% of suicidesPerson-years (n=1 041 096)Suicide rate per 100 000 person-yearsRR(95% CI)
 Female145.5142 1119.91.0(Referent)
 Male24194.5898 98526.82.7(1.6 to 4.7)
Age group, years
 18–2411444.7404 93328.21.0(Referent)
 25–347328.6393 40018.60.7(0.5 to 0.9)
 35+6826.723943728.41.0(0.7 to 1.4)
 Caucasian18672.9713 93126.11.0(Referent)
 African American3011.8212 37714.10.5(0.4 to 0.8)
 Other3915.3114 78634.01.3(0.9 to 1.8)
Marital status
 Single10039.2401 45424.91.0(Referent)
 Married15159.2582 63625.91.0(0.8 to 1.4)
 Other 41.655 874
 Lower enlisted13753.7470 71429.11.8(1.2 to 2.7)
 Senior enlisted9035.3399 38022.51.4(0.9 to 2.1)
 Officer2811.0171 00116.41.0(Referent)
 Never deployed8031.4387 71020.61.0(Referent)
 Ever deployed17568.6654 09927.41.3(1.0 to 1.7)
  • * Data sources: Defense Casualty Information Processing System, Defense Medical Surveillance System.

  • For person-years, totals within categories may be less due to incomplete data.

  • Rates and relative risk for ‘other’ marital status were not calculated due to cell size smaller than five.