Table 1

Infrastructural variables to be analysed in the Bicyclists' Injuries and the Cycling Environment (BICE) study

Type of route
PrimaryMajor city streets (>2 marked traffic lanes)
  With bike lane
  With shared lane, symbols or bike signage
  No bicycle-specific infrastructure
Minor city streets (2 marked traffic lanes)
  With bike lane
  With shared lane, symbols or bike signage
  No bicycle-specific infrastructure
Local or residential streets (no marked traffic lanes)
  Residential street designated as bike route
  No bicycle-related designation
Separated from motor vehicle traffic
  Cycle track (next to major street, separated by barrier)
  Bicycle path
  Sidewalk or other pedestrian path
  Multi-use path
Intersection type
Traffic circle
Stop sign
  2-way, cyclist travelling in right of way direction
  2-way, cyclist travelling in stop direction
Traffic light
  No cyclist control
  Cyclist control
SecondaryAdjacent car parking
On-road streetcar tracks
Surface paving
Motor vehicle traffic speed and volume
Width of bicycle lanes
Types of bicycle signage and road markings