Table 1

Children injured on five types of playground equipment in public schools and parks and attending children’s hospitals in Brisbane, and the distribution of play equipment in a sample of 16 parks and 16 schools

No (%) of injured children/annum in populationNo (%) of injured children/annum in sampleNo (%) of pieces of equipment in sample
Horizontal ladder30.5 (52.1)19 (38.4)5.5 (84.6)117 (15.9)5 (4.0)
Climbing equipment15 (25.6)11 (22.2)1 (15.4)1.572 (67.3)57 (46.0)
Slide7.5 (12.8)6 (12.1)0114 (13.1)24 (19.4)
Track ride4.5 (7.7)7.5 (15.2)001 (0.9)2 (1.6)
Swing1 (1.8)6 (12.1)003 (2.8)36 (29.0)
Total58.5 (100.0)56.5 (100.0)6.5 (100.0)3.5 (100.0)107 (100.0)124 (100.0)