Table 1

Selected characteristics of unintentional, undetermined, and negligent homicide firearm related deaths in Maryland and Milwaukee, 1991–98

Variable*No (%)
*Age, sex, and race data refer to the decedent, whether or not the decedent is also the shooter. Circumstance and type of gun refer to characteristics of the event.
Age (years)
    0–1746 (39)
    18–2016 (14)
    21–4037 (32)
    41+18 (15)
    Male107 (91)
    Female10 (9)
    White60 (51)
    Black54 (46)
    Other3 (3)
Site/type of death
Maryland (n = 66)
    Unintentional20 (30)
    Undetermined46 (70)
Milwaukee (n = 51)
    Unintentional13 (25)
    Undetermined12 (24)
    Negligent homicide26 (51)
    Cleaning3 (3)
    Handling/transporting/loading/unloading25 (21)
    Hunting6 (5)
    Miscellaneous/other5 (4)
    Playing with/showing gun to others60 (51)
    Thought safety was on/problem with safety4 (3)
    Unknown14 (12)
Type of gun
Handgun (n = 95)
    Pistol42 (36)
    Revolver45 (38)
    Unknown/other8 (7)
Long gun (n = 19)
    Rifle9 (8)
    Shotgun10 (9)
Missing (n = 3)