Table 4

The road environment: bicycle helmet legislation

Author, date, and countryInjury target group and settingAims and content of interventionStudy type and sample sizeOutcome measuresKey results
C = control; I = intervention.
Abularrage (1997),18 USAChildren 1–14 years Multiracial communityI (1) Legislation— helmet use for children 1–14 years (2) Campaign in month before legislation. Discount couponsControlled trial without randomisation I=14 schools C=12 schoolsObserved helmet useObserved helmet use: I: 4.7% to 13.9%, C: 5.6% to 4.2% Increased use in girls, 5–9 age group Education and legislation effective Legislation alone no effect on C Effective for some groups Good/reasonable evidence
Ni et al (1997),19 USAUnder 16 years Community-wideStatewide legislation in Oregon (July 1994)—all children under 16 years to wear cycle helmets when riding on public property $25 fine for non-compliance. Statewide promotional campaigns4: (i) Statewide observation before: 1610. After: 1703 (ii) Observations: 33 schools (iii) Survey in 16 schools (iv) Telephone survey(A) Observed helmet use in (i) and (ii) (B) Reported helmet use and knowledge in (iii) and (iv)(A) Statewide (i) Observed use. 25% to 49% Schools (ii) Observed helmet use 20% to 56% Schools (iii) Reported use 15% to 39% Helmet ownership 51% to 76% Telephone survey (iv) Reported helmet use 37% to 66% Effective Good/reasonable evidence