Table 2

Fatal occupational electrocutions by industry, United States, 1992–99

SIC codes*DescriptionNo (%)Rate†
*Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) manual, 1987.
†Deaths/100000 worker years.
01–09Agriculture, forestry, and fishing 312 (12.4)0.94
    01    Agricultural production: crops 105 (33.7) 1.31
    02    Agricultural production: livestock 48 (15.4) 0.48
    078    Landscape and horticultural services 110 (35.3) 2.36
    071, 072, 075, 076    Other agricultural services 25 (8.0) 2.25
    Unknown/other 16 (5.2)
10–14Mining 69 (2.7)1.20
15–17Construction1144 (45.3)1.60
24–25, 32–39Manufacturing: durable goods 172 (6.8)0.16
20–23, 26–31Manufacturing: non-durable goods 93 (3.7)0.13
40–49Transportation and public utilities 277 (11.0)0.38
50–59Wholesale and retail trade 130 (5.2)0.06
60–67Finance, insurance, real estate 22 (0.9)0.03
70–89Services 247 (9.8)0.07
91–99Public administration 45 (1.8)0.10
Other 14 (0.6)
Total2525 (100)