Table 2

Type of plea by offence, Ontario, 1996–97 (%)

OffenceGuiltyNot guiltyOtherUnknownTotal
Impaired driving11 072 (55.3)846 (4.2)33 (0.2) 8 062 (40.3)20 013 (100)
BAL >0.08% 7 916 (35.2)843 (3.7)14 (<0.1)13 747 (61)22 520 (100)
Failing to provide samples 1 091 (43)224 (8.8) 2 (<0.1) 1 223 (48.1) 2 540 (100)
Impaired/bodily harm 160 (29.9) 14 (2.6)38 (7.1) 324 (60.4) 536 (100)
Impaired/death 20 (27) 1 (1.4) 2 (2.8) 51 (68.9) 74 (100)
Driving while prohibited 2 630 (72.6) 57 (1.6) 1 (<0.1) 937 (25.8) 3 625 (100)