Table 3

Injury hospitalisations among 15–19 year olds in New Zealand, 1987–96

E codeHospitalisationsRate*
*Rate per 100000 persons/year; †in 1102 cases resulting from motor vehicle traffic (MVT) incidents (7% of all MVT cases), the status of the injured road user (that is, whether a vehicle occupant, motorcyclist or pedestrian) was unspecified (ICD E code subcategory .9). We reviewed the narratives for these cases and reclassified 455 of them. The remaining 647 cases were reclassified in the same proportions observed for all other cases in the 1987–96 period; ‡in the calculation of rates, the 4th digit .9 codes were distributed according to the free text information and the distribution of 4th digit codes (1 through 8) in the study period; §rates based on fewer than five cases are unstable and are therefore not presented.
All external causesE800–E999536021883
Motor vehicle traffic (MVT)
    Person injured (4th digit codes)
    Occupant.0, .17875302
    Motorcyclist.2, .34795179
    Pedal cyclist.657821
    Other.4, .5, .8492
MVT, all+E958.5, E968.5, E988.515264536
Pedal cyclist, otherE800–807 (.3), E820–E825 (.6), E826.1,.9, E827–E829 (.1)132246
Pedestrian, otherE800–E807 (.2), E820–E825 (.7), E826–E829 (.0)1295
Transport, otherAll253889
    RailwayE800–E807 (.0,.1,.8,.9)90
    Non-trafficE820–E825 (.0–.5,.8,.9)110539
    Other road vehiclesE826.2–.8341
    AnimalsE827–E829 (.2–.9)122843
    Water and aircraftE831.0–.9, E833.0–E845.91826
Firearm, all1646
    Self inflictedE955 (.0–.4)241
    AssaultE965 (.0–.4), E970171
    Intent unknownE985 (.0–.4)130
    UnintentionalE830, E832, E910753
    All+E954, E964, E984823
    All+E958.1, E968.0, E988.130811
Suffocation, all1004
    Self inflictedE953552
    Intent unknownE98350
Falls, unintentionalE880–E886, E8887752272
    All+E957, E968.1, E9877784273
    AssaultE966, E9743998140
    All+E920, E956, E9864663164
Poisoning, all5605197
    Self inflictedE950–E9524779168
    AssaultE962, E97250
    Intent unknownE980–E98230311
Struck by, against, all7175252
    AssaultE960.0, E968.2205672
    Self inflictedE950–E9595201183
    Intent unknown/otherE980–E999188266
Person years of exposure2846630