Table 2

Comparison of Canadian WHO-HBSC and Kingston CHIRPP injury records by external cause: mechanism of injury, by sex

Population based survey (Canadian WHO-HBSC)Regional injury surveillance program (Kingston CHIRPP)Spearman's correlation between data sources:ρ (p value)
ICECI codesMechanism of injuryRecords (%)RankRecords (%)Rank
    A1Contact with blunt object22.7225.220.964 (<0.001)
    A2Application of bodily force15.2314.83
    A4Falling, stumbling, jumping29.9134.81
    A8–A9Blunt force: unspecified contact3.471.38
    C1–9Penetrating force7.9511.34
    G1–G3Thermal, radiant mechanism0.991.09
    J1–J9Threats to breathing0.2110.211
    N1–N9Poisoning by chemicals0.5100.310
    P1–P9Physical over-exertion6.964.15
    A1Contact with blunt object14.9221.820.782 (0.004)
    A2Application of bodily force10.1510.13
    A4Falling, stumbling, jumping36.6142.91
    A8–A9Blunt force: unspecified contact3.17011
    C1–9Penetrating force7.568.34
    G1–G3Thermal, radiant mechanism2.481.38
    J1–J9Threats to breathing0.2110.410
    N1–N9Poisoning by chemicals0.7100.59
    P1–P9Physical over-exertion11.837.35
Spearman's correlation between sexes: ρ (p value)0.927 (<0.001)0.936 (<0.001)