Table 4

Restraint of children in automobiles in relation to use of seat belts by drivers*

ChildrenUsing seat belt No (%)Not using seat belt No (%)
*Data not included on 178 cases.
†Information on a driver's use of seat belts was included more than once if there was more than one child in the vehicle.
‡The difference in the column subtotal from the sum of its component percentages is due to rounding.
Restrained vehicle seat belt only 338 (18) 93 (1)
Child motor vehicle restraint devices restrained and child restrained within device 71 (4) 79 (1)
Total children restrained 409 (22) 172 (2)
Not restrained sitting or standing alone1257 (67)5957 (86)
On someone's lap 110 (6) 451 (7)
Child motor vehicle restraint devices not restrained and/or child not restrained within device 105 (6) 301 (4)
Inadequate protective devices 7 (0) 46 (1)
Total children not restrained1479 (78)‡6755 (98)
Total1888 (100)6927 (100)