Table 1

Prevalence of sociodemographic factors and history of previous injury among parents responding to questionnaire regarding babywalker use

Risk and sociodemographic factorsFrequency (%)
*Overcrowding defined as more than one person per room excluding bathrooms and kitchens less than 2 m wide.
†Residence in a deprived area defined as living in a ward with a Jarman score above 30.
Receipt of benefits508 (31.9)
Non-ownership of car313 (19.6)
Overcrowding*141 (8.8)
Residence in a deprived area†222 (13.9)
Ethnic group non-white102 (6.4)
Maternal age <20 at birth of first child239 (15.0)
Single parenthood189 (11.9)
Previous injury 90 (5.6)
Non-owner occupation516 (32.4)
Four or more children in family116 (7.3)
Unemployment of one or both parents171 (10.7)