Table 1

Distribution of smoke detectors to total homes and to those without detectors homes by methods, Oklahoma City, May 1990

Distributed (%)
Zip code postal areaTotal homesParticipant solicitation/distribution methodDetector prevalence*Estimated homes without detectors†No of homes receiving detectorsTotal homesHomes without detectorsCost‡/detector distributed
*Random telephone survey, February 1990.
†Total homes × (1−prevalence in the telephone survey).
‡Utilizing cost estimates for labor, equipment, and participant solicitation.
73108 6182Canvass/door to door711793192531107$ 1.96
73109 9171Flyers in public places/fire stations702751 278 3 10$ 5.38
7311911525Flyers mailed/fire stations742996 751 6 25$ 3.40
73129 8067Flyers placed on doors/fire stations702420 479 6 20$ 3.98