Table 3

 Mean, standard deviation (SD), standardised mean differences with and without wrist guards (z scores) and Wilcoxon test significance values in scooter torque test and steering test for all subjects and by sex, age, and hand length

Scooter handlebar torque testScooter steering track test
With WG, mean (SD)Without WG, mean (SD)z (p value)With WG, mean (SD)Without WG, mean (SD)z (p value)
*Based on negative rank indicates lower scores on tests with wrist guards and †based on positive rank indicates higher scores on tests with wrist guards; in the scooter handlebar torque test a lower score indicates performance degradation, in the scooter steering track test a lower score indicates improved performance.
All subjects (n = 48)177.2 (140.8)174.7 (142.5)−0.25† (0.806)0.51 (0.68)0.50 (0.51)−0.24* (0.809)
    Male (n = 25)220.8 (141.7)215.5 (142.3)−0.01† (0.989)0.51 (0.75)0.56 (0.55)−0.70* (0.487)
    Female (n = 23)130.0 (126.3)130.5 (131.8)−0.70† (0.484)0.52 (0.61)0.44 (0.48)−0.40† (0.690)
Age (years)
    5 & 6 old (n = 20)193.0 (148.1)195.6 (140.3)−0.49* (0.627)0.70 (0.78)0.58 (0.56)−0.64† (0.524)
    7 old (n = 16)134.0 (112.2)130.2 (133.9)−1.50† (0.134)0.44 (0.66)0.46 (0.54)−0.26* (0.794)
    8 old (n = 12)208.7 (159.4)199.4 (154.7)−0.08† (0.937)0.21 (0.46)0.44 (0.41)−1.04* (0.298)
Hand length (cm)
    11.5–13.9 (n = 11)149.6 (167.6)166.4 (156.6)−1.42* (0.155)0.39 (0.53)0.52 (0.48)−0.88* (0.380)
    14.0–14.9 (n = 19)166.7 (123.9)148.9 (128.5)−1.37† (0.171)0.63 (0.84)0.59 (0.58)−0.21* (0.831)
    15.0–17.5 (n = 18)205.4 (143.5)207.1 (149.3)−0.20* (0.845)0.46 (0.60)0.41 (0.48)−0.45† (0.650)