Table 1

 Fatal crash incidence density, injury fatality rate, crash injury rate, and crash incidence density

RuralityNo of fatal crashesNo of crashes with injuriesNo of total crashesNo of miles drivenFatal crash incidence density (A)Injury fatality rate (B)Crash injury rate (C)Crash incidence density (D)
*Based on observations by the HPMS of the Federal Highway Administration.
(A) (Number of fatal crashes/number of miles) per 100 million miles driven.
(B) (Number of fatal crashes/number of crashes with injury) per 1000 crashes with injuries.
(C) (Number of crashes with injury/number of all crashes) per 1000 crashes.
(D) (Number of all crashes/number of miles) per million miles driven.
Rural31 6021 203 0153 231 7661105 083 000 000*2.8626.27372.252.92
Urban21 4472 438 7207 355 4591676 379 000 000*1.288.79331.554.39
Total53 0493 641 73510 587 2252781 462 000 000*1.9114.567343.973.81