Table 1

 Social risk factors of study population (n = 817) by injury status

Weighted %Mantel-Haenszel χ2 p value
Total (n = 817)Never injured (67%)Injured once (26%)Injured more than once (7%)
Social risk factors
    Maternal substance abuse3.82.84.910.20.0003
    Mother <18 at time of birth12.211.412.520.20.04
    Single parent49.545.055.172.2<0.0001
    Child protective services/social service1.
    Referral/ report of abuse or neglect2.
    History of family violence2.
    Caregiver mental illness4.
Social work/case manager/EPSDT referral
    Any social risk factor56.451.962.577.5<0.0001
Number of social risk factors