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The national injury prevention plan for Australia and an implementation plan have been developed as a collaborative endeavour by all Australian governments with advice from non-government agencies, professional bodies and industry organizations; the plans were approved by the Council of Health Ministers in August 2001. The four priority areas are falls in older people; falls in children; drowning and near drowning; and poisoning in children. These were selected on the basis of the evidence of injury burden and potential health gain; effectiveness, cost-benefit and acceptability of a range of interventions; and of there being a clear and actionable role for the health sector. Other significant injury areas are being addressed through specific national strategies on road injury, workplace injury, and suicide prevention. The plan is intended to focus national effort towards the priority issues; to improve knowledge, strengthen infrastructure, and implement injury prevention activities; and to promote evidence based, sustainable injury prevention interventions. A specific and separate plan is to be developed for injury prevention for indigenous people. Responsibility for implementing the plan rests with what is called the Strategic Injury Prevention Partnership, a group that includes representatives of state and federal health departments. The implementation plan identifies specific actions, key players, and possible allies for specific, identified actions in each of the priority areas. Details can be found at or from the Injury Prevention Section, Department of Health and Aged Care GPO Box 9848, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia.


This report, published in October 2001 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Injury Center, assesses lifeguards as a strategy for preventing drowning and water related injuries. The product of an expert meeting and a review of data from the United States Lifesaving Association and other sources, the report will help communities, local government officials, and owners of …

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