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13 Road safety: challenges to health sector
  1. Martha Híjar
  1. General Director of the National Council for Injury Prevention of the Ministry of Health of México, México


The health of those living in densely populated areas in the world is of interest and concern for two reasons: (1) the large number of people involved, and (2) the fact that the population density of an urban area changes the potential action of Public Health interventions. This is an important issue to be consider on a Road Safety programs.

This paper discusses the need to incorporate the urban issue on its broadest sense related space but geographical size of a city that makes a difference on health terms. The size, density, diversity and especially the complexity of cities impact on mobility and present challenges in public health. Mobility has focused only on ensuring adequate infrastructure and transport services to move passengers and cargo timely, reliable, efficient and sustainable way, as an element essential for economic development. On this regard, the increasing motorization and unsatisfactory modal distribution have created inequality, significant congestion with huge social and environmental costs including negative effects on population health beyond road traffic injuries.

Road safety needs now more than ever, to implement the inter-sectoral work, to assure the links between sectors traditionally separate in language and action. Urban governance might be the best approach to meet the Health sector with all its health challenges including injury prevention, with actors involved in Education, Transport and Development sectors, as well those that ensure the genuine participation of the population.

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