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408 Implementation project on prevention of home and leisure injuries
  1. Tiina Tikkanen1,
  2. Heikki Laurikainen2,
  3. Kristiina Myllyrinne1
  1. 1Finnish Red Cross, Finland
  2. 2the Finnish National Rescue Association, Finland


Background The campaign for the Prevention of Home Injuries started in 1993. As of 2015 the campaign was granted a project funding from Finland’s Slot Machine Association. Finnish Red Cross coordinates the project. Partner organisations include The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Ministry of the Interior, The Finnish National Rescue Association, Federation of Finnish Financial Services, The Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, The Finnish Swimming Teaching and Lifesaving Federation, National Institute of Health and Welfare, The National Defence Training Association of Finland, SOSTE Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health and Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention.

Description of the problem The amount of home and leisure accidents in Finland is high. During the year 2013, 2548 people (out of 5.4 million inhabitants) died in injuries. 2268 victims died in home and leisure injuries, 259 in traffic accidents and 22 in work place accidents. The most common type of accident is falling or tumbling. Home and leisure accident prevention is challenging because it extends to the area of private life and it is not clearly legislated.

Results Collaboration between stakeholders in accident prevention is ensured by the project. The project’s campaigns are implemented together with traffic and occupational accident injuries prevention stakeholders to strengthen the link between the safety cultures in different environments. The project delivers information to citizens through campaigns, media and the web and by people who are employed or volunteer in the social, health, educational or rescue sector. Non-governmental organisations are essential operators in implementing strategic action plans to practice.

Conclusions Strong collaboration and communication is needed in order to decrease the home and leisure injuries. The aim is to increase the discussion about the possibilities in preventing the injuries.

  • home and leisure injuries
  • prevention of injuries
  • collaboration project
  • campaigns

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