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350 Product related head injuries in infants and toddlers – starting point for a campaign
  1. Gabriele Ellsäßer,
  2. Frank Gries
  1. State Office of Environment, Health and Consumer Protection, Brandenburg, Germany


Background The highest hospitalisation rates in < 18 ys for all injuries as well as head injuries (S0-09) according to the national report on “Injuries by Accidents, Self-harm and Violence” (Ellsaesser 2014) were observed in infants (<1 y) and toddlers (1–4 ys). Although this is valuable information for injury prevention we need detailed information on injury events. The Full Injury Database (FDS) contains product related injuries as well as the doctor’s narratives. Since 2008 we have managed to implement a FDS at three major German hospitals reporting to the Brandenburg Department of Health.

Methods Monitoring of injured patient hospital admissions (< 18 ys), either at emergency or ward, based on the European IDB standard. Case analysis of a total of 5,969 head injuries according to ICD-10 (S00–S09) in the < 5-year-olds (2008–2014). An injury was considered as an injury involving a product, when a product was categorised as “triggering“ the injury. In-depth analysis of the doctor’s narrative.

Results Head injuries in infants made up 77% (644) of all injuries (831). 87% (561) of head injuries were triggered by a product. The five most frequent product related injury events were falling from/out of: #1 changing tables 20%/111, #2 furniture (e.g. couches) 17%/96, #3 parental bed 15%/84, #4 buggies 7%/40, #5 carriers 4%/20.These events pertained 62% of all product related head injuries (561).

Head injuries in 1-to 4-year-olds made up 56% (2,876) of all injuries (5,183). 77% (2,222) were triggered by a product. The five most frequent product related injury events were falling from: #1 stairs 12%/257, #2 furniture 7%/159, #3 parental bed 4%/88, #4 bunk beds 3%/73, tricycles 2%/54.

Conclusions Products play an important role as triggers of head injuries among young children. Age specific safety recommendations for parents and caretakers, as currently in development by the paediatric association, are an important step in reducing those injuries.

  • Children <5ys
  • Products
  • Head Injuries
  • Prevention

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