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  1. J Fanslow,
  2. R Dixon,
  3. N Paton,
  4. G Richards,
  5. P Gulliver
  1. New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse, University of Auckland, New Zealand


    Background Access to high quality information is an essential feature of evidence informed practice in family violence prevention and intervention work.

    Aim The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse is the national centre for collating and disseminating information about domestic and family violence in Aotearoa.

    Methods Collection takes place through review of international websites, scans of the academic literature, and outreach with NZ & international academics and practitioners. Collation and dissemination takes place through the NZFVC Library (electronic and physical), a monthly newsletter, customised searches by the information specialist and the production and publication of fact sheets, and issues papers. Active community engagement helps to identify common information needs across the sector.

    Results Information dissemination: In the period 11/10/12–20/2/12 the website had 12 395 visits by 8262 unique visitors from 109 countries (83% from NZ). The newsletter is distributed to 1460 people, with the mailing list growing by 567 in 6 months. Two issues papers and multiple factsheets have been produced.

    Community engagement includes developing and maintaining active relationships with a wide range of practitioners, policy makers, and researchers through attendance at community and national hui, speaking at events, individual meetings, phone and email contact.

    Significance The Clearinghouse contributes to the family violence sector in NZ by acting as an information hub. By serving a wide audience, we play a significant role in identifying high quality information, making it accessible, ‘funnelling’ information to those who need it, identifying information gaps, and actively strategising on ways to meet these needs.

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